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Can my spouse change or “once a cheater always a cheater”?

Aug 23, 2023

This is a question I hear often from my clients. The short answer is yes. If they want to. True change has to come from within your spouse. It’s important for you, the betrayed spouse, to know that you cannot control whether or not your spouse will change. Here’s what you can control: whether or not you will change. Even if you have done nothing wrong, you are part of a dynamic that exists in your marriage. When you change, the dynamic also changes. Your spouse will then have to adapt to the new dynamic. When this happens, your marriage will begin to change for the better or it will end. Either way, you’ll have your answer. I am not suggesting you can fix your marriage all by yourself. A marriage does take two people doing the work, (and your spouse will have definitely have their work to do) but you can only control your part. Focusing on your spouse’s work is a waste of emotional energy. You are responsible only for yourself. 

Cheating Husband — El Paso, TX — Kristin Romney Coaching

So how do you change? By examining your thought patterns. What do you believe about yourself? What kind of spouse are you? What are your strengths and what are your weaknesses? What do you believe about your spouse? What are his/her strengths and weaknesses? What do you believe about your marriage? After answering these questions, go back and notice the feelings these beliefs are creating for you. Are these beliefs serving you or do you want to believe new things and create different results? Our lives are a reflection of our thoughts. If you want to see changes in your life you must start with a change in thoughts. Stop focusing on whether or not your spouse can change and decide to change yourself. The key to healing is in your mind.

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